Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sculpture Artists Unite!

Artist Kris Kuski does drawings, paintings and sculpture.
Look closely at his work! The detail is amazing!
Kris spent his youth in rural seclusion and isolation along with a blue-collar, working mother, two much-older brothers and an absent father. Open country, sparse trees, and alcoholic stepfather, perhaps paved the way for an individual saturated in imagination and introversion. His fascination with the unusual lent to his macabre art later in life. The grotesque to him, as it seemed, was beautiful.

Thank you for sharing this link with me Matt S.!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Installation Art

This piece is about a daughter's celebration of her father's life. It is so touching, well-thought out, and just plain amazing. I had to share it with you!

Monday, January 4, 2010

SO.... MANY.... WINNERS...!!!

I am proud of all of you who entered this show! The results are in and can be viewed at this website:

Artwork of the American Vision, Gold Key, and Portfolio awards will be on display at PNCA January 10 -- January 23.

COME TO THE AWARDS RECEPTION to support all of your fellow Pacers on:
January 14
6 to 8 pm
1241 NW Johnson St.
Portland, OR 97209